Daffodaily5 Is Having a Party on Marshmallow Right Now! (Now Over)
UPDATE: This party is now over!From before:
Daffodaily5 is having a party on Club Penguin to celebrate the first week of the Star Wars Takeover! The party is happening right now on Marshmallow. Here is what her post reads:
To celebrate the epic first week of the STAR WARS™ Takeover, I’m going to stroll down to the Cantina in Tatooine for an Intergalactic Par-tay, and you’re all invited! Don’t forget to bring your friends (probably best not to bring your Droids, though)
I’ll be heading online today (August 1st) at 7am Penguin Standard Time (3pm UK time) on the server Marshmallow. Can’t wait to see you all there!
Unfortunately I can’t go, but I hope you all have fun if you attend!
The following page has been updated:
I met her! Just for a second, though.
4 words: full, forever, and eternal
what? is empty!!! daffo wait me!!! :d
Hey train party is now over
i was sleeping that time come on daffodaily5 an FIRST and train is more herbert times going to be posted
New login in screen plz give me credit!
There’s a new login screen advertising the August party.
Trainman, you may want to post one of those “Minor Club Penguin Updates” post. The Star Wars Remix you posted earlier this week was added to the music list, a new slide for the homepage and a new login screen are added showing this month’s party, the paychecks are out, there is a new message from Dot, a new Star Wars logoff screen, and the items in the Star Wars catalog for August 1st are now out. Phew! :)
And I could be wrong, but I think the University chalkboard changed.
I think you are. :P
Train, where is the EPF message post!?!?!?
I’ll be posting it later, I’m on vacation so I’ve been busy.