Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You – Star Wars Takeover

A new reviewed by you has been posted on the Club Penguin Blog! Last week Polo Field (Han Polo) asked us what our favourite Club Penguin party is. Here is what Adri6363 said:

My favorite party of all time was when Club Penguin had the Hollywood Party. It was totally fun! I played every single day it was on and it actually kinda made me feel like a superstar. I wish sometimes that it can come back. Also it was fun to get awards and get your own 15 minutes of fame! Riding limos to living in fancy penthouses, I think it was to best party ever!! Waddle On!!

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This week’s reviewed by you question is “what are you looking forward to the most at the Star Wars Takeover?”

The following page has been updated:

15 thoughts on “Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You – Star Wars Takeover

  1. I recently visited Hollywood and it’s just like any typical large city: Hobos, large crowds, and terrifing gangs. I think Club Penhuin just captured the stereotype of Hollywood, not the real thing.

    • You’re thinking of Las Angeles, not Hollywood. Hollywood is not a city, its more like a district, within the city of Las Angeles. Las Angeles is HUGE and it’s definitely true that IT’s like any other city. However, Hollywood it’s self is actually like it’s depicted in media.. It IS the town of film/fame…

  2. Anakin Skywalker does not seem to be in the Star Wars Takeover. Probably because he’s already Darth Vader by the fourth episode.

    • Synopsis: Herbert was attack by EPF, Herbert is Anikan, the Lightsaber is a figure of speech, the EPF is Obi Wan, and the other lightsaber is a figure of speech.

      Now it’s time to learn what it stands for.

  3. I wish characters from other episodes were in the party.. Mainly Padme Amadala, but also Jar Jar Binks, Mace Windu, the other Jedi’s and the Ewoks :/

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