Puffle Party Q&A

On the Club Penguin Blog Polo Field has posted a Puffle Party Q&A since the party starts tomorrow! Here’s the questions and answers:

Will the Puffle Hotel be permanent? Yes. The Puffle Hotel is here to stay – you’ll be able to swing by the rooftop with your puffle for a snack and a swim whenever you want!

Can we adopt rainbow puffles after the Puffle Party? Absolutely. These majestic, magical new puffles will still be available for adoption after the party goes down.

Is the rainbow puffle member-only? You got it. When members complete a Puffle Care Quest, they’ll get to blast off in the cannon to adopt a rainbow puffle. Free players can pamper their red and blue puffles at the Puffle Hotel, and work in the Puffle Hotel to earn coins too!

Is PH visiting the puffle party? You bet! PH will definitely be appearing at the Grand Opening of the Puffle Hotel. She’ll be there to help you become expert puffle owners. And she’ll be VERY excited to help you adopt rainbow puffles.

When/where will PH visit? – At the moment, I don’t know any exact times PH is scheduled to visit. But I can say that she’ll definitely be spending time at the Puffle Hotel and Puffle Play Zone. So hang around these spots and see if you can catch her!

In addition, this sneak peek image was posted. It looks like once again penguins will have to perform a task to get the free item.


The following page has been updated:

29 thoughts on “Puffle Party Q&A

  1. I can’t believe they’re restricting the Rainbow Puffle for the members only. I am a member myself, but I don’t think it’s fair to the non-members. Club Penguin is disappointing me every time…

    • Your Right,
      i got a free 7 day membership but my sister is very sad she is not a member herself,
      Club Penguin stop bragging memberships!

    • I think that it’s selfish how people think like that. Lately club penguin has been great to nonmembers- items for them in the catalog, the ability to transform into cars at the christmas party, igloo items, the list goes on an on

  2. @Buddyboy699 and Trainman: I saw that too! I got so bugged about it, that I actually COMMENTED IN THE BLOG! I hope Polo or one of the other mods from CP will fix that.

  3. first time saying this online,and i can’t believe i’m saying this but,to tell everybody and everybody on cp but,”ONLY FOR “MEMBERS?!!!!!”,this is kindaof well… s u c k
    i s h,ok?,no offenses just in case,i know,its not like me to say that,can’t at least “ONE SINGLE PARTY” be free players?,like to say this but,everybody members don’t get to enter free player rooms,see how we feel,right?,like kindaof one of the comments before,that said “I HOPE THAT CP…”,that post,no offenses again,not being mean or anything,you know,right?…
    – Shera54321

  4. CP is just being unfair. Why can’t they give non-members a chance to adopt rainbow puffles for at least one day? >:(

  5. I think that CP should be making rainbow puffles and puffle-transformations (xD) members only. Think about it Club Penguin has to make money somehow and they have to have things members should look forward to. Its like at my school for example, they have free lunches for some students they can go to the cafeteria line, but they can not go in the “snack bar line” (the line that has slushies, pizza hut pizza, mozzarella sticks, fries etc…). And no Club Penguin can not make enough money off of Club Penguin merchandise (i.e. toys, books, magazines etc..). Think about how much merchandise they sell, is that really enough to pay the 500 (or more) workers? These workers or “moderators” spend probably 12-16 hours working on developing and testing Club Penguin. Club Penguin also needs money to advertise the parties (which is expensive by the way). So how is Club Penguin supposed to make that much money? You guys should be happy that membership is not like $30 a month (i.e. Minecraft). So this is why I think CP should limit the things non-members can do. Comment what you think!

  6. well, guys, it’s a rainbow puffle.. it’s something you kind of have to assume would be membership wise, it’s pretty special.

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