Club Penguin Magazine Issue 15

By / March 7, 2013

The 15th Club Penguin Magazine issue is now available in the United Kingdom. The issue comes with a code to unlock the Puffle Tent furniture item and an item of your choice from the treasure book.

Screen Shot 2013-03-07 at 12.22.33 PM

The contents of this issue is as follows. Once again, I’d like to say thank you to Bloxxerman for the images and information.

  • Quiz: How Awesome Are Your Puffles?
  • Rockhopper’s Tall Tales: No. 51
  • C.P.T.V.
  • Fashion 4 U: Pet Purrfect
  • Invitation: Red Nose Day (Nothing we don’t already know there)
  • Penguin Comic: Speed Demons!
  • Penguins Uncovered: PH
  • Quiz: How Puffle Crazy Are You?
  • Penguin Challenge: Precious Puffle Quest
  • Prize Booth
  • Rookiepedia: E
  • Cool Cribs
  • Posters
  • Penguin Challenge: Puffle Olympics
  • PH Planet
  • Penguin Challenge My Puffle Day
  • Penguin Comic: Undercover, Overdressed!
  • Ask Aunt Arctic
  • VIP: Fireblast506
  • Next Issue: 4 Free Gifts – Snow Hoops Game, 7 Day Membership, Super Suit item, and Treasure Book Item plus 1,500 coins. It’s a Super Charged  Special! Your island needs you! Issue 16 will be on sale starting April 4th.

Here’s a sneak peek image of the Super Suit:

Screen Shot 2013-03-07 at 12.22.25 PM

My friend Pengumile had also sent me a picture of the full page the Super Suit is on. Here’s everything:

Screen Shot 2013-03-07 at 12.23.06 PM

Bloxxerman did say that the magazine states the Puffle Hotel is permanent. That’s interesting, because on the Puffle Hotel logoff screen it says “Features shown require paid membership.” Does this mean the Puffle Hotel will be a members only room?

Also there is the fact that next month’s magazine is a Super Charged Special and the Super Suit reminds me of the Marvel Superhero Takeover which Spike Hike said is coming back…will the Marvel Superhero Takeover be next month? What do you think?

The following page has been updated:

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@Loustik005 say on Twitter the Hotel Puffle are permanant.



:O I knew it but what about April Fools day? :( I know April Fools day only one day (April 1st) Nope Puffle Party goes on then… Hmm… Mabye April Fools in April and Marvel Superhero Takeover in May?



That suit looks epic.



You misplaced a comma. It’s 1,500 not 15,00.




chris dog90

chris dog90




Interesting! So, do ya think the marvel party is really gonna come back? Eh, Saraapril will start moaning again :P looks great, can’t wait to giveaway the free membership!



About Saraapril, I know right? Why can’t she just accept that CP is changing? Anyway, I’m so excited, the next issue shows it’s coming! I’ve been waiting a long time for another Marvel party…

Your Friend Brazileiro

Your Friend Brazileiro

I tink that the Takeover Super Heroi xoming on month next!



thanks a lot dude, I told you about the mag, bloxxer may have too, but give me some credit too!



Bloxxerman told me before you did I just hadn’t gotten around to posting yet.

Luis ver

Luis ver

someone has a photo of this issue rookiepedia



The Puffle Hotel better not be members only….



I GOT THE MAGAZINE! It comes with a puffle ball!

Green Ninja

Green Ninja

So what party will be in June? Last year’s Marvel Super Hero Takeover was in June…



We don’t know.

The Puffle Hotel is a nice new room. I just hope non-members can access some of it.



aaaaahhh! No april fools party!!!!

Adrián Anhelo

Adrián Anhelo

how did you know the sneak peeks of the next magazine?don´t tell that train!it´s amazing and I didn´t live in the UK to pourchase it!Makes me mad!!



I know! :( I want it in the US :(

Adrián Anhelo

Adrián Anhelo

ohh okít say it on a page LOL,the free codes you´ll tell to us like the 1500 coins,the 4 gift free,and the reusable things ok?PLEASE!!LOL

Lego97 (formally sadas)

Lego97 (formally sadas)

Actually Trainman, the Marvel Superhero Takeover could very well be in April. Iron Man 3 and a new Captain America film are both coming out this April, which could be a good time for CP to have it.



Hmm that does make sense.



Iron Man 3 is coming May 3rd, not in April.



Captain America doesn’t come out until November at the earliest, it starts FILMING in April.

Lego97 (formally sadas)

Lego97 (formally sadas)

My bad, I read the page as “2012” for Captain America…:S Seems like they changed it..rotten trolls.

And if it is worth anything, Iron Man 3 will be released in IMAX in April first before May 3rd.

Lego97 (formally sadas)

Lego97 (formally sadas)

*2013, sorry. I’m not thinking today lol.

chris dog90

chris dog90

Oh wow, this cant be happening, NO APRIL FOOLS PARTY? I think that can be a prank? I don’t know, what do you think train? Will they have the April fools party? I hope they do! I think they may have stopped it cause there weren’t enough colors for an other propeller hat! Oh btw, I am sorry for what happened on twitter, I just got mad :P
-Chris Dog90



I don’t think there will be a April Fool’s Party. And don’t worry, it’s cool. :D



Man, UK get much better stuff there than here. America should get at least 3 issues a month. Don’t you think, Train?



The Puffle will be avilabile for everyone but only members can adopt the rainbow puffle