Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: CP Movie Stages

By / February 22, 2013

It’s that time of the week again – time for a new reviewed by you! Last time we were asked what our favourite part of the Hollywood Party is, and Lenny Thai (who is actually a Club Penguin Memories viewer!) said the following:

I Love the CP Limo! Why you ask? Well, first of all there’s the DUBSTEP Puffle!! Dub Dub Dub…. DUBSTEP PUFFLE! Second of all I always wanted to ride in a Limo! Third of all, theirs an Awesome Swimming Pool, a DJ station and last but not least….. the awesome driving area! I also drove the most famous Penguins in Club Penguin history! I drove Sensei, with the most wisest words, I drove Cadence, with the most awesome music I’ve heard, and Aunt Arctic interviewing me on the spot! It was a GREAT experience!

Award show blog-1361579439

The question for this week is “which movie set was your favourite and why? Was it Club Penguin High 3? High-Speed Getaway? Return of the Space Squid?” Like always the penguin whose answer is chosen will get 10,000 coins added to their penguin account.

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mine is high speed getaway
please add me train! ( name : emilyanna9 !!!!! )



I can’t add, sorry.

People are not born yet to match the speed of your typing.



Mine is High-speed getaway cause u get awesome clothing.