Trainman1405 In Real Life: New Year Resolutions

By / January 12, 2013

Wow, can you believe it’s been three whole months since I did a Trainman1405 In Real Life Post? For those of you unfamiliar with what I am talking about, from time to time I will write about my life in a post here on Club Penguin Memories. I don’t do it too often, just when I think of something worth sharing. With being a week and a half into 2013 and having it suggested to me recently, I figured it would be good to share what my New Years Resolutions are! I haven’t been one to make them, however I do have several personal goals I would like to accomplish this year. They are:

  1. To read more – I used to be a huge reader but have slacked off on this during the past few years. There are many books I’d love to get around to reading
  2. To learn more coding languages – there is this awesome website I discovered several months ago called Codecademy. It has all these different (completely free) courses to teach you several coding languages, and it marks your progress. I’ve played around with it here and there but would love to make it something I incorporate into my daily work
  3. To focus more on school – As I mentioned in a previous Trainman1405 In Real Life post, I do online school. (homeschooling online) I have to spend a minimum of 180 days on all my courses for my grade with a maximum of 365 days unless I want to pay extra to extend the deadlines. I’m about 1/2 done with my 11th year of school and should be done in the Spring as long as I work hard each and every day. I would love to finish my final year of school before going to college by this Fall so I can graduate early rather than in Summer 2013 like all my real life friends in my grade. I’d be nice to finish early and get a slight head start on life. To accomplish this I just need to spend more time with my schoolwork every day. I’m trying to find a suitable balance between fun computer work (Twitter, my websites, Club Penguin, chatting, etc) and schoolwork.

What are your resolutions for 2013, or did you decide not to set any? I’d love to know!

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1. To get a job
2. To get better grades
3. Be more active online
First lol xD



hey i got a good starter book for you.its called wonder and the boy in it has BIRTH DEFECTS
(i thought you would be interested in it because hes home schooled).it won the best book of 2012 award too!



I’ll check it out, thanks for the suggestion!



1. To try to be less mean, if you’re on the CP Wiki, you’ll know what I mean :P

2. To learn how to play my guitar a little better, I’m still a beginner!

3. Have fun, and make 2013 awesome!



My new year resolution is to …
1. Learn how to graphic design, and HTML code.
Now, when I try to gfx design I fail. Hopefully at the end of the year I won’t!



P.S are you leaving this blog and the rest of your blogs this fall?



I don’t have any plans to.

fire storm32

fire storm32

congrats on graduating and im homescooled too and what collage



1. to learn how to add a picture next to my name on a comment.
2.Get better at football(soccer).
3.Why do u need a job?? (for ipodracer)



For your 1st one, its really easy….just sign up with the email you use to comment with here: hope this helped :)



Im not going to say my real ones but my cp ones are:
1. to take care of my 10 puffles more
2. earn more coins
3. buy more items with the coins



Here is mine: not to have any! Well don’t really know yet.



Pfft. I need to read more…make that one of them for me. :3

1. (mentioned above)
2. I don’t think there are any besides read more…



1. No chips and barely any soda (I haven’t taken either so far)
2. More exercise
3. Keep working on my book (I am on the brainstorming phase of writing a book, but I haven’t worked on it lately)
4. Read more. Just like you, I used to read a lot, but haven’t done much lately.



My resolution is too not make a resolution!
…Oh wait, that’s a paradox



1: To organize my sites and become more active online XD
2: To Get more popular on Twitter (Follow me by clicking my name above)
3: To fully learn PHP and to progress more with my currently fluent coding languages: HTML, CSS, java, javascript, Html5 & JQuery :)
4: To be more organized in school
5: To make new friends and enjoy what 2013 has in hold for us ;)

Andrea Van09

Andrea Van09

1. Try hard on math
2. Study harder
3. Don’t get too upsested with CP
4. Read More
5.focus more on TaeKwonDo



What kind of books are you wanting to read Train? (Divergent, Catching Fire, and Hunger Games are awesome books!!)



I started reading The Hunger Games the other day, and my girlfriend also got my Divergent so I’ll have to get to that too. :) I don’t really have any specific titles in mind, just what looks good at the library. I do have to read The Son of Neptune and Mark of Athena too.



1. To get a girlfriend (The girl I love especially…) (Yes, I am in love…)
2. Get more friends in real life
3. Work out more on my blog and learn new stuff for my blog such as do a slider like Monchocho’s site, etc.
4. Obtain more coins on CP
5. Do more exercise
6. Work out on your CP Memories Tracking Team finally when I ever get the time to do it
7. Socialize more
8. To get BETTER grades (I am going terrible in Math and Spanish and if I fail 1 more time, I WILL repeat the year so I am doing my best, wish me good luck…)
9. Be more intelligent
10. Be more funny
11. Enjoy what 2013 is holding for us… :-)


P.S. Trainman, sometimes I am wondering, do you have a girlfriend?



Good luck! And yes, I do. It’s an online relationship but it’s been going well these past five months.