Club Penguin Blog Featured Fashions: January 14

By / January 14, 2013

It’s Monday, which means one thing in the Club Penguin world – new featured fashions! That’s right, on the Club Penguin Blog a new post has been made by Daffodaily5 to showcase four different outfits. The outfits featured are retro styled.

First we have Bessiema. This T-shirt from Ultimate Jam is an old favourite of mine! Paired with the blue wig I think the colour scheme is rockin’!


Dozzie4564 was nominated by Tracey456 in the last Featured Fashions, the ruffle dress from last year with handbag and matching necklace looks so brill! I want to steal her style!


Here’s Rooby Wilson with a classic Team Red outfit! My fave is the punk hair; I spotted that straightaway and I think it looks ace!


I love this outfit!  This Butterfly T-shirt from 2007 made a comeback in the latest catalogue and I must say, Kendall A423 is bringing it back with epic style! Thanks Jenny Doe for nominating her. XD


Nice selection as usual!

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1. I´ve seen about a trillion non-members with that outfit.

2. Pretty neat, but i´ve seen some like that. Most creative one out of all.

3. Really? The word “Classic” just takes it all the creativity away.

4. They only care about the Butterfly T; what about all the other stuff?

I think the second outfit is the best one.



I agree Oarca



How original. The red team’s outfit.



These aren’t retro. These are 2012, not retro.



I like the ruffle dress outfit i am gonna wear it at the hollywood party in february