Future Of Operation Blackout Spoilers and Sneak Peeks – Dot, Rookie, and Others Kidnapped!!

By / November 14, 2012

This post has a looooooot of spoilers, so be warned! If you don’t want all of Operation Blackout spoiled for you, then skip this post and do the bi-daily missions as they are released. Anyway, in this post I will be presenting lots of images and text on what is to come of Operation Blackout. I will start with the rooms. Here is Herbert’s big base, where we need to turn off the Solar Laser.

Here is a very rough (not completely filled in) picture of what the other EPF rooms with the Terminals look like.

For Chapter 2 we get the Grappling Hook.

For Chapter 3 we get the Plasma Laser.

For Chapter 4 we get the Deflection Vest.

For Chapter 5 we get the Smoke Goggles.

Finally, for Chapter 6 we get the Anti-Lava Boots.

Shutting down all the Terminals in each chapter adds a layer to the pin. Once complete, it will look like this:

There is the Covert Agent Station furniture item. I don’t know where it’s from.

As for Chapters 2 through 6, here is the orders. Dot, Rookie, Jet Pack Guy, and The Director get kidnapped by Herbert!

November 16, 2012 – Chapter 2

We’re only just getting started, Agent. There are four more Security Terminals to shut down.

The next one is close to the first, but can only be accessed through a secured door. Use this grappling hook to pull the door’s lever.

2.1: Equip this Grappling Hook
2.2: Hook the lever and open the dor to access Security Terminal 2
2.3: Shut down Security Terminal 2

November 18, 2012 – Chapter 3

Alert – Herbert captured Dot! His crabs are searching the island for EPF personnel. Watch your backs.

Stay focused Agent. Use this Plasma Laser to reach Security Terminal 3. Nothing can stand in your way.

3.1: Equip this Plasma Laser
3.2: Cut through the door between Security Terminal 2 & 3
3.3: Shut down Security Terminal 3

November 20, 2012 – Chapter 4

Herbert has Rookie. Agents are dropping like flies. Temperature is plummeting. We have very little time to save the island.

Security Terminal 4 is protected by a laser defense system. Use this vest to sneak inside. No security system can stop us.

4.1: Equip the Deflection Vest
4.2: Slip past the laser defenses between Security Terminal 3 & 4
4.3: Shut down Security Terminal 4

November 22 – Chapter 5

The crabs ambushed Jet Pack Guy and captured him. Things look dark, but we cannot fail.

The last Security Terminal is protected by a smoke screen. Use these goggles to navigate the smoke. No darkness can blind us.

5.1: Equip the Smoke Goggles
5.2: Use them to see through the smoke protecting Security Terminal 5
5.3: Shut down Security Terminal 5

November 24 – Chapter 6

Listen closely Agent. Take these Anti-Lava Boots, and use them to sneak into Herbert’s Central Command room.

This is my final message. Herbert has found me. The fate of the island rests on you—

6.1: Equip the Anti-Lava Boots
6.2: Sneak into Herbert’s Central Command room
6.3: Shut down the Solar Laser and save Club Penguin

Finally, as we get further into Operation Blackout the rooms will be filled with snow more and more. Compare the rooms in Businesmoose’s video to what they look like now, and what we have now is incredibly lacking in snow…

Here’s the Town:

Snow Forts: (and yes, they’re different looking!)


The Ski Lodge:

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You made a mistake you wrote Herert instead of Herbert






Oh ~ I just posted that first pic but I found it before you posted it on a swf. Is that ok???? I really didn’t copy you!!! But nice pics (I only found the first one when I do my guides cos I use the swfs and I found two pics of the things…



Perfectly fine, if someone else finds something on their own credit isn’t needed. :)



She-Ra here again!!!,
I heard of a all “NEW” song from saraapril’s blog!!!!!,when I was just searching and newer,and older posts I saw it!!!,It’s by: Dj cadence,and tpb!!!.It’s for the christmas party,snow ninjas are coming out to!!!!.
– Shera54321
P.S.Hey train?,do you know,heard,and seen saraapril?.



Yup, Cool in the Cold is the song title. I know who Saraapril is.



You put teh instead of the where it has mission 2.



What is the ID of “Covert Agent Station”?



Just curious, but why do you need it?



because he wants to hack and be unfair to the hardworking players who actually put some effort into acquiring their items and are mature enough to understand that not everything in life is given to you.



Thanks :) I’m not an expert at swfs and I can’t access all the ones you find. Can’t wait to find Herbert :)



There’s a typo in your post. It says teh instead of the in the first message Director gives us that you enabled in your post.



Fixed! :)



In the third picture of the mission,is that blood?



Nah, I think it’s fruit juice.



i wish, but CP would NEVER get that interesting. It’s like Superman. Villains are imprisoned, not killed. And heroes never die. Ever.



Is the furniture item for members only?



Yes, was able to find the swf! Hint for others: the first is “party4”, that’s all I’m going to say ;D



I know who the Director is but it shall remain a secret with me and the director as we have met face to face before.

Amy 19987

Amy 19987

WE ARE GOING TO FINALLY FIND OUT WHO DA HECK THE DIRECTOR IS!!! :D Lets hope I am correct with my theory that The Director is Aunt Arctic…



The members only item isn’t fair at all!!!,all “FREE” players agree to that every single day we login.
– Shera54321
P.S.Why does there have to be members though anyway?.



Club Penguin has to make a profit in order to run.

Wwe Vs Wwf

Wwe Vs Wwf

Fact: Polo Field said that this is cheating. Tell me how to do this and I’ll tell Polo to remove that glitch. If you don’t I’m still telling him on you.



“@Justincool53 They’re probably cheating.”

He said probably, and we aren’t. You’re free to tell on me.