On This Day In Club Penguin History – October 14
October 14th in Club Penguin History takes us to just last year, 2011. There were many updates on this day, from catalogues to login screens to Puffles! Starting with the more minor updates, there was a new login screen advertising the Halloween Party, saying “Get ready to haunt the island”. The Map was also updated with a small new feature – clicking the pets icon shows what games you can bring a certain coloured Puffle to, for example a Red Puffle brought to Catchin’ Waves plays with you. The igloo music was updated with four new tracks. (Monster Masquerade, Ramp It Up, Air Bubble Boogie, and Spookiest Swamp) There was also a 51st field op, located at the waterfall in the Hidden Lake. The game was to break the code by getting the correct symbol combination.
As for more major updates, the reminder above the igloo icon in the bottom chat bar when playing saying your Puffle needs to eat was added. In your igloo, the thought bubbles over your Puffle when they’re hungry, want to be played with, etc were re-added from the old Puffles updates that were replaced by the newer system earlier in 2011. Other Puffle updates includes PH (Puffle Handler) appearing to show you how to take care of your Puffle when clicking on one in your igloo, the ability to purchase Puffle Hats and Puffle Furniture from the Puffle settings in your igloo, and statistic bars (such as how tired or hungry a Puffle is) were re-added.
The following items were mentioned in this article:
2000 not 200 coins.
Theres a small typo – youve put “thee” instead of the.
And youve put 2,00 instead of 2,000
You wrote 2,00 instead of 2,000 for the cost of the Trick-or-Treat igloo.
I might be wrong, but didn’t puffle hats release around this time? And Whitey Tight is a creative puffle name!
Yeah, later in the month.
Umm i think you made a mistake, the Trick or Treating igloo wasn’t 200, it was 2000 coins i think, none igloo would be that cheaper like 200 coins!
Whoops, typo.
Are you online right now Trainman? If so, what server?
wait, soz, i have to go: later :)
I’ll be on Yukon, Coffee shop at 11 AM PST if you can make it.
Soz! I can’t/couldn’t make it. Perhaps you could host a Halloween Party this month though. I’ll be sure to (attempt) to attend and so would many others! Reply to my comment everyone if you would come to Trainmans party!
I plan to have a meetup. :)
There is a new book called puffle whisperer! Here are the codes:
I do not post book codes since you need to buy the book for them.
lets meet at sleet dock ill be waiting for 10000 hours no lie 10000 hours!
Let’s schedule a time tomorrow (Monday) in PST to meet up.