Club Penguin Documentary Video – Part One

By / October 24, 2012

The first part of Club Penguin’s documentary on the history of the game and how it all began has been uploaded to the Club Penguin YouTube channel. It’s awesome, that’s all I can say. Great job to Polo Field and Businesmoose and everyone involved in this, no matter big or small of a job they had, they did a phenomenal job at this. We even get to see what Happy77 looks like in real life! Seriously, watch it yourself:

The Club Penguin team is proud to present the first preview of “New Horizons”, a documentary on the history of CP. We started working on this documentary back in June 2012, and we’re excited to finally share a portion of it with you to celebrate Club Penguin’s 7th anniversary.

This is Happy77, aka Holly.

This is Screenhog, aka Chris.

I think you can pick out Billybob and Rsnail in the video. Dave in the video is NOT Gizmo, who by the way didn’t make an appearance in the video. I guess we’ll never know Dave’s penguin name for now.

Also, I see me! This part was filmed at the meetup earlier today when penguins like Rsnail and Screenhog showed up.

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omg, at the “end” of the vid u can see every room updated!! what is thats when community hall comes!?



Wow I never pictured happy77 to look like that! But thanks Trainman you got it all.



Oh my gosh I am going to cry. I will miss lane so much! And hearing that music makes things even worse. You can really tell that they really care and want to make thing fun and safe for kids. I am 11 now and I don’t plan on leaving CP anytime soon

The Random Guy!! (Popeye88636) I'm now on Twitter!

The Random Guy!! (Popeye88636) I'm now on Twitter!

same but im 12 its amazing just getting better every week



Hey Train, at 3:11 you can see more new rooms and operation blackout tings. Makd it 1080p and look.



Train, i think i may have figured out why Hollly named her penguin, Happy77. Holly and Happy both start with ‘H’ and they both have 5 letters. For the ’77’ part, maybe she was born in 1977? Just a thought ;)






Could be! ;)
But I agree tho.. :)



The Old Newspapaer at 2:51



no i don’t remember it looking like that