On This Day In Club Penguin History – September 28
September 28th in Club Penguin History falls on the year of 2007. On this day in 2007 there were three updates. There was a new pin, a new furniture catalogue, and a new igloo catalogue. The pin that was hidden was the Paddleball pin. It was Club Penguin’s 43rd pin and located at the Snow Forts. The updated igloo catalogue contained two new floorings, the Blue Carpet and the Dirt & Leaves.

Items mentioned in this article:
I remember that leaf floor! It was one of my favorites!
Free Tricorn Hat Unlock Code:
I don’t post magazine codes unless Disney puts it on their site since you need to buy the magazine for it. Thanks though!
free code for tricorn hat. it is [removed]
Train! I found a bug! At the prize booth near the entrance of the Puffle Circus, If you look at the red bumper car, the price won’t show!
In the room? It’s meant to be that way.
You don’t need to buy a magazine to use the code (I KNOW TRAINMAN WILL REMOVE THE CODE)
You need the magazine to obtain them though. :P Technically.
Sometime later I became a member for the first time ever, because this furniture catalog was my first one as a member.