On This Day In Club Penguin History – September 14

By / September 14, 2012

On this day in Club Penguin history there have been three different years of updates, in 2007, 2009, and 2010. Starting with 2007, on September 14, 2007, Rockhopper arrived. He brought two furniture items, the Pirate Ship (525 coins) and the Jolly Roger Flag (200 coins). Rockhopper also brought the Striped Overalls, a body item for members costing 450 coins. On this day the Jellyfish Pin was also hidden. It was located at the Ski Lodge. This was Club Penguin’s 41st pin.

As for 2009, the sky mysteriously turned a red/orange and there was a Fire Scavenger Hunt. Sensei was also waddling around the Club Penguin island. The fire related items in the scavenger hunt were located (in order) at the Ski Lodge, Book Room, Pet Shop, Mine, Pizza Parlour, Cove, Lighthouse Beacon, and Dojo Courtyard. After finding the items you would get the Fire Pin. This led up to Card-Jitsu Fire being released, the first Card-Jitsu game after the normal Card-Jitsu game.

Finally, on September 14th in 2010 the 14th field op mission was released. It was located at the Iceberg and you had to power the chipset.

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I love this posts! Always briniging up good memories :)



oh wow i remember the fire scavenger hunt like it was yesterday :) thanks for the memories:)



Lol, my sister got on Club Penguin that day (I was unaware of the sky because I hadn’t been on yet) and my sister’s like: “THERE’S SOMETHING WRONG WITH CLUB PENGUIN!”. Good memories. :)