Even More Club Penguin Twitter Goodies – Happy77’s Account, Documentary, and More!

By / September 24, 2012

Wow, what a day it has been with Club Penguin related news on Twitter! First Billybob got a Twitter account amongst other things and then Businesmoose from the Club Penguin team joined the social media website! After that even more information popped up. Club Penguin has a documentary planned in the future which will be released after a clip of the Moose & Polo Show is uploaded. That makes two other videos on top of the Top 10 Fair List video coming later this week and another music video coming soon.

Then there’s a Halloween Party sneak peek next month, which means five upcoming videos! The Club Penguin team sure is busy, so props to them for that.

Finally, apparently the @Happy77s Twitter account really is Happy77.

Thanks Fishandfries!

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Welcome! I’m excited too.



Hey Train, I just went on Club Penguin and I found a bug. I’ll send try to dm it to you via Twitter.



Sounds good!