Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: Igloo Items

By / September 13, 2012

A new reviewed by you has been posted on the Club Penguin Blog. Last time (August 22nd) we were asked what we do to stay healthy. The chosen response and winner of 10,000 coins was Snowy44446 said:

There are many things that I do to stay healthy. I practice karate. I love to dance. I also attend camps during my summer vacation. The camps I did were soccer and fencing. I even did a robotics camp to keep my brain healthy too. But two of my favorite things I do to stay healthy are my mom makes me and my family healthy meals and I love to play outside with my friends.

To go alongside the new furniture released today (see this post for the hidden items) the question this time is “what igloo items would you like to see in a future catalogue?”

The following page has been updated:

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what I’ve been waiting for for years is that dinosaur that lost to the green puffle bean bag chair in the you decide from like september 2010

fire storm32

fire storm32

i sure could use 10,000 im a new member and it just burned a hole in my 28,500 coin pocket



I’ve been waiting a long time for the kitchen items, and they’re finally here! :P



Hey Trainman!
I am a big fan!
But i came here to ask you if you could check out my blog?
the link is:
please check it out!
and can u comment on the trainman post?



Okay. :)

Lance Jin

Lance Jin

The things ive been waiting for was the kitchen items and some of the rare items like the Ticket Booth.

The Random Guy!! (Popeye88636)

The Random Guy!! (Popeye88636)

i was waiting for the kitchen items however the is now fridge/refrigeration machine