Club Penguin Field Ops 93 Cheats

By / August 2, 2012

The 93rd field op mission has been released on Club Penguin, for the 2nd of August. This is the thirty first field ops mission for 2012. To start this week’s field ops mission go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. Then waddle over to the notice area like usual to get the mission’s orders.

Gary’s orders for this week are are as follows:

Greetings Agents. I have an unusual assignment for you today – I need your help in decoding some data. Go to the computer terminal, and try to unscramble the code there. I’m conducting an experiment…

Go to the EPF Command Room computer – it’s the same spot as last week.

Once you’re there your spy phone will start to ring. Click on it. Complete the Field Op mission by decrypting the passcode. To do this you match up the shapes.

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Gary.

It reads:

Fascinating! Excellent work Agent, you unscrambled that data much quicker than I anticipated. The data is actually part of a scan I’m doing on the energy collected from the Meteor. More info soon.

Check back next time for the field ops 94 walkthrough!

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