Club Penguin Adventure Party Temple of Fruit 2012 Cheats Theories
Here is the information roundup for the Adventure Party: Temple of Fruit that starts tomorrow.
Starting with the rooms, there are quite a few pictures on the web. You can see some of them, the Coffee Shop, and Smoothie Smash game. Click the picture below to see it in full size. The penguin is different in the Coffee Shop for some reason.
As for much better quality rooms:
The Cove:
The Dance Club:
The Dock:
The Forest:
The Snow Forts:
Inside the Snow Forts room: (note the dates)
The top of that room: (appease the volcano?)
Party logo:
There seems to be different fruits to collect in each room, which I think will be used to appease the volcano. The new game, Smoothie Smash is in different rooms at the party. The Coffee Shop is getting redesigned, too. Smoothie Smash will reside in that room. Here is a better sneak peek of Smoothie Smash, as shown in the Club Penguin UK video.
Here is what Club Penguin has said:
Our Club Penguin “Ultimate Jam” party in July was a huge success. Beginning August 24th and running through September 5th we will feature our Temple of Fruit Adventure Party. Along with fruit, our famous Penguin, Captain Rockhopper, has brought a cursed volcano to the island of Club Penguin, Players will attempt to feed the volcano fruit to appease it. During the second week of the party, the efforts to defeat the volcano may be rewarded with the launch of a new game, Smoothie Smash.
Adventure Party: Temple of Fruit – UNLOCK THE MYSTERY!
Avast! Our favourite pirate, Captain Rockhopper, has brought tons of fruit, new adventures and a hungry volcano idol to Club Penguin island.
Everyone can collect fruit to feed the volcano, and member penguins can set off on a scavenger hunt to find fruity new costumes.
At the end of week one, after working hard to appease the volcano’s hunger, the new Smoothie Smash game will be unlocked in the three fruit room areas. After the party it will take its place permanently in the Coffee Shop – giving penguins a healthy alternative to the Coffee Shop’s regular fare.
While the completed room is above, we were given a rough draft sneak peek on the Club Penguin Blog recently.
And what about Herbert? (and there’s a really small Adventure Party sneak peek in the image)
Don’t forget about the sneak peek video!
Switching focus from rooms to items, here are some that we’ll see at the party. You can see some of these in the room sneak peeks.
It’s also possible that some of these items will be released. And what about the life jacket returning? That has yet to happen.
Last but not least, don’t forget about the Rockhopper meetup!
That wraps up all the information I’ve got! Be sure to check Club Penguin Memories once the party is out!
Cool. I can’t wait to me rockhopper.
I am hungry.
LMAO I love how all of the rooms have a “donotcopy” tag on them.
I had to give them some sort of filename. They aren’t my pics so people are free to actually take them.
Free hat in the cove
remember how you said the grass skirt was returning? I think it will be a new grass skirt that is yellow, because i seem to recall seeing a skirt like that in one of the sneak peek videos? I might be wrong though
maybe tht would be though i like t he old one better