Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: Summer Activities

By / July 5, 2012

After a little while without posting a new reviewed by you on the Club Penguin Blog, Happy77 has finally done so. Last time we were asked who our hero is. After going through the responses Boorex’s comment was picked. They said:

“A hero to me is my older sister! She makes me laugh when I’m sad. She helps me with my homework when it gets tough. She also gives great advice. The thing is, a hero doesn’t have to have a power, they just have to be a person you can look up to or trust! Waddle on cp!”

With school being out (for many, unless you live in places such as the United Kingdom) the new question has to do with your favourite Summer activity. What is it and why? As usual the chosen replier will get 10,000 coins.

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Trainman, here in Australia our school is out already :P



Really? I figured that because it is Winter there you’d still be in school. Oops!