Marvel Super Hero Rooms In Club Penguin Magazine & Video
Between Club Penguin’s Marvel Video and their latest magazine issue, here is a collection of some of the Marvel Super Hero Takeover Party rooms. Some of them I have already posted. (here and here)
These are from Club Penguin’s video: (thanks for the reminder, Xbird!)
The rest are from Club Penguin’s Magazine. Special thanks to 1james10 for these.
I thought I told you about the rooms first from video? I commented on the meteor thing and Marvel stuff. Can you clear this up for me? I’m confused
I thought I told you about the rooms first from video? I commented on the meteor thing and Marvel stuff. Can you clear this up for me? I’m confused.
I don’t recall.
Sorry for double posting
Hey that looks like fun are you going to be on trainman? Oh and thanks for the awesome sneak peek i wish they had the magazine in the US but they dont i keep calling and everything maybe someday.
I will be on :-)
Hey Traiunman, I found something in the video, its kinda a costume sneak peak, but anyway, look on one of the bottom TV’s. There in a room that looks like a office, You can see the Iron Man Costume…. and speaking of offices… could that possibly be Aunt Arctic’s new Office? O: We just have to wait and see :( But anyway, once again, Waddle on, Trainman!
On the first pic posted:
2nd room (top right): Town
3rd room (bottom left): Coffee Shop(?)
4th Room (bottom right): Plaza