Club Penguin Field Ops 82 Cheats

By / May 17, 2012

The 82nd field op mission has been released on Club Penguin, for the 17th of May. This is the twentieth field ops mission for 2012. To start this week’s field ops mission go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. Then waddle over to the notice area like usual to get the mission’s orders.

Gary’s orders for this week are are as follows:

Hear me, Secret Knights! The Dragon King has conquered the land, and even now seeks to rain fire upon us! Your weapons cannot defeat him. But they CAN defeat his fireballs! Climb Dragon Peak, take aim, and vanquish them!

Go to the Mountain.

Once you’re there your spy phone will start to ring. Click on it. Complete the Field Op mission by destroying the targets. This is done by entering the coordinates.

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Gary.

It reads:

Well done, Secret Knight! Your aim was true, and you vanquished the Dragon King’s attacks! Now we must unite the kingdoms, and stand against him together! Are you with us? Onwards!

Check back next time field ops 83!

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