Aunt Arctic To Be At Superhero Party 2012

By / May 17, 2012

As per Club Penguin’s prewritten mascot messages file, I can confirm that Aunt Arctic will be visiting Club Penguin next month during the month of June once the Super Hero Party is released. Here are her messages as of now:


Alright folks
Attention everyone
Gather up
Let’s get to work
Good day
Hello everyone
No time for formalities
Step into my office
Let’s get this show on the road
What’s the news?


Lead the way!
Follow me, everyone!
This way, everyone
Come this way
Let’s sneak inside…
Let’s get closer…
Excuse us officer!
We’re with the press!
You can’t stop us, Super Villains!
Look lively!
Let’s go go go!
To the Snow Forts!
Let’s go downtown
Follow me!
Make way!
Back to the Club Penguin Times!
Members, follow me!
Follow me to the Jail!
Follow me to the Bank!

Club Penguin Times

Alright reporters!
Okay everyone!
Gather round
Staff meeting

Downtown Showdown

Look out!
Incoming Destructobot
Go Super Heroes!
You Super Villains don’t stand a chance
Watch out!
The countdown has started
Don’t give up Super Heroes
You’re the city’s last hope!
The pen is mightier than the sword…
And laser beams!
I hope…
Oooh, that Destructobot…
He makes me so mad!
Pick on someone your own size!
Aim for the Destructobot’s weak spot
Use your super powers!
Hey Super Villains!
You should take a break
You look sort of tired
Why not join me for a cup of tea?
What can I do to help?
I know!
I’ll distract the Super Villains!
Hey Super Villains over here!
I’d like to ask you some questions
Just ignore the Super Heroes
What made you want to become a Villain?
What sort of super powers do you have?
Are you planning on taking over the city?
Do you have a secret weakness?
What’s your secret weakness?
Don’t worry, this is off the record…
Have you considered becoming a Super Hero?
I think you’d be a better Super Hero
Oh no!
The Super Villains won
Look out!
Oh my…
Look at all the damage
Is everyone alright?
Back on your feet Super Heroes!
Let’s start repairing the damage
When life gives you lemons…
Because hey, free lemons!
…Make lemon cake!
…Squeeze them!
And make lemonade
Ha ha!
Grow a lemon tree!
You only fail if you give up
You Super Villains are the worst!
You’ll never get away with this!
I hope you’re happy
Laugh while you can
Good always triumphs over evil
Turn away from the dark side!
Use your powers for good!


May I interview you?
May I ask you some questions?
I’ve got some questions for you!
Citizens want to know the truth!
For the newspaper?
Excuse me!
Are you a Super Hero?
I’ve got some questions for you
I have some questions for the newspaper
Alright, first question…
Here’s my next question…
One last question…
What made you become a Hero?
Where did you get your powers?
Did you make your costume yourself?
What is your secret identity?
Just kidding!
Do you read the newspaper?
Oh good
Why not?
What powers do you have?
Do you have a secret fortress?
Have you defeated any Super Villains?
Are you afraid of spiders?
Capes – yes or no?
What made you want to become a Villain?
What sort of super powers do you have?
Are you planning on taking over the city?
Do you have a secret weakness?
What’s your secret weakness?
Don’t worry, this is off the record…
Have you considered becoming a Super Hero?
I think you’d be a better Super Hero
Have you been on Rockhopper’s ship?
Have you sent me a question?
Have you sent me a joke?
I receive so many each week
It is so tough to choose
You never know!
I enjoy classical music
My favorite animal is a puffle
I prefer puzzles…
…and crosswords!
My hobbies are writing and reporting
I also enjoy knitting
Thank you for asking
How are your puffles?
Would you like to interview me?
Please do!
Yes I believe that strongly
I like all the costumes very much
No I don’t think so
Thank you for your questions
You are an excellent reporter


I would be pleased to give an interview
Did you have a question?
Hmm, I think so
Hmm, I don’t think so
Hmm, I don’t know actually
Probably not
Oh, I would love to be your friend
Please add me as a friend
Do you have my background yet?
Do you read the Club Penguin Times?
Do you enjoy the newspaper?
Do you mind if I interview you?
I have too many favorites to say for sure
I like fluffy animals
Have you tried the tea?
My favorite games are Find Four and Mancala
I enjoy treasure hunting too


Take care out there everyone
Stay safe
Good work everyone!
See you again
Keep up the good work
I need to go
I need to go write my column
Good luck!
This paper looks fantastic!
Thanks for all your hard work

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im not sure , but rockhopper ship is return back to the island , so maybe Rochhopper AND Aunt arctic could come in june and maybe on the metoriet is a enemy ( robot ) and it will land on clubpenguin ) :’



I have already met AA :-(



I think the Club Penguin Times office may be a room based off her messages.



The Destructobot? Could that be Protobot?

fire storm32

fire storm32

it said Destructobot could that be the villain we face?



If your friends with aunt artic you don’t need to meet her to get her background just click her player card on the friendslist and click free gift button during the party right not now cause it won’t work so do it when the party’s here