Dot Has Sent Agents A New Message

By / April 19, 2012

Dot has sent us a brief update message.

Herbert didn’t take the bait. The computer we left connected to the EPF mainframe wasn’t tampered with. Herbert could be long gone.

I don’t think he is…

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AshlE Smilez

AshlE Smilez

Can’t wait ’till the exciting part! xD



I just think Herbert’s dead. They always say,”Herbert didn’t go to that lets try the same thing in a different place!” Really wait for him to come to you! Sometimes the agents are just idiots.(No offense agents)



Long Gone means a nice way to say: “dead cause he rolled off the mountain by rookies underwater party. 3 cheers 4 rookie!!” XD



Yesh xD
But he`s not dead. Remember that video called “Rock a bye Herbert”? He`s just floating around in his chair somewhere & sleeping. Until his chair will dock to somewhere in Club Penguin. Anyway, Operation: Blackout must be released somewhen, so Herbert must be alive for that.



Trainman you wont belive what i found out!
i did the field op and i had a bug,it wasnt the original messege!
I didnt manage to take a picture but i remember it,it was like this:
Excellent work agent! You carcked the code just in time!
The messege you cracked was:”klutzy,we are about to dstrike the lighthouse on thursday!”
Stay sharp and on alert and prepare for counter attack.
i couldnt see who the person was,i think it was G
So what do you say??
(note the messege isnt excatly as it was written)



It’s been there for the longest time, over year. IDK why it’s in CP’s files exactly. Pic:



But it means that Herbert will be back..altough there are no signals now…



herbert is floating around in his chair, i think so herbert is floating near to rockhopper island or another island (puffle brown island) so what do you think traiman?



sorry its trainman