Club Penguin Field Ops #69 Cheats

By / February 16, 2012

The 69th field ops mission has been released on Club Penguin, for the 16th of February. This is the seventh field ops mission for 2012. To start this week’s field ops mission go to the Elite Penguin Force Command Room. Then waddle over to the notice area like usual to get the mission’s orders.

His orders are:

Our Herbert investigation continues. We need to figure out if the island tipping was a mistake, or sabotage. There WAS something strange about all those anvils. Go to the Recycletron, and see if you can find any evidence.

Go to the Recycling Room by the desk.

Once you’re there your spy phone will start to ring. Click on it. Complete the Field Ops mission by bypassing the system. This is done by matching.

When you finish it, you’ll get a message from Dot.

It reads:

Well done. It looks like you found info on Rookie’s original anvil order. Hmm… looks like someone tripled the number of anvils AFTER Rookie ordered them. The island tipping may not have been an accident…

If you are still confused and need help, here is a video on how to complete the field ops mission:

Check back next time for Club Penguin Field Ops 70 Cheats!

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You put a message from Gary, but Dot gives you the message.






I know what happened: remember the time when it said that he[Herbert] ordered pizza? Herbert must have found the list and tripled the number BEFORE we knew that he ordered veggie/seafood pizza. Herbert caused the island to tip for sabotage.



The tracker says that the field op is in the Pizza Parlour when it is actually in the Recycling Plant.



Actually you forgot to update your tracker and you made a typo about this being 68th post instead of 69th :P



Don’t worry, it’s being worked on right now. Usually when I wake up I post, eat, film what needs to be filmed, then update the trackers. I noticed the typo before but forgot. Good eye, thanks for catching it. :)



Did you get a friend request for you Trainman1405.



I have like 200 requests but I can’t accept them since my list is full.