Club Penguin’s Homepage Updated For Rockhopper’s Quest

By / February 15, 2012

I normally do not post when Club Penguin updates their homepage, but I thought it would be good to post this one. A lot of it is because I think it’s just so awesome, but another part of it is because there are some unreleased items in it.

I believe the items are:

  • Black Swashbuckler’s Hat for 250 coins
  • Swashbuckler’s Leather Coat for 450 coins

However, they do look similar to past items – just thought I’d point that out. The jacket looks similar to the Gray Pirate Coat from the June 2008 Rockhopper Catalog.

The hat also looks like the one given out at the 2011 Island Adventure Party at the Beach.


What do you think? Also, I believe the Yellow Penguin is wearing the unreleased item called Crew Cap. I’m unsure what the female penguinin the back is wearing. Also, what do you think the shadows are in the background climbing onto the ship? It looks like penguins, but you never know…also why the clouds?

Finally, Club Penguin has updated their mobile website on devices such as iPods and tablets. (iPad, HP Touchpad, etc)

The following page has been updated:

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hey train does cp let u login? my doesnt.:(



Yeah, I just did it and it worked fine. Try clearing cookies and your cache.