Puffle Launch Coming To Android In The Future

By / September 15, 2011

I was checking out the new post on Club Penguin’s Blog when something caught my eye – Puffle Launch is coming to other phone operating systems in the future! Billybob said the following:

The app is currently available on the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, but we’ve seen your comments, and we’re working hard to make it available on more devices in the future.

The main OS penguins want Puffle Launch to come to is Android, so it’s at being worked on for at least Android Phones. They might be working on a BlackBerry version, or possibly WebOS, although I do not know if demand is high enough for devices running those operating systems.

The following page has been updated:

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WOO! Android! I dont enjoy playing Puffle Launch, but i wil buy this if it comes for andoird

Yellow Crown

Yellow Crown




AWESOME!!!!! There is also a new section (clause 19) at the bottom of the CP Terms of Use, it first refers to Apple and then there is a section for Android!



Great find! I will post that soon.