Club Penguin Updates Mobile Website With Puffle Launch
If you visit Club Penguin on a mobile device, you won’t get far – it simply says visit their website on a computer to see more. With all the Puffle Launch hype, I checked out their mobile website to see if they updated it, and they did! Here it is:
Cool! Nothing too major but I thought I’d share it. :)
Update: Here’s how it looks on an iPad:
(Thanks for the iPad picture, Pen50gi!)
COOL! Thanks for the Update :)
You’re welcome.
Hi Trainman1405! :) Can I use this image for my blog too? I don’t have an iPod so could I use yours? I will give credit! :) Waddle On!
I spot IOS 5 :D.
It looks really cool, but I probably won’t buy it. :P Also Trainman, I was able to compile a list of The Fair 2011 Prizes thanks to your leaked items! It is a little rough, but if you want to post it, go ahead:
Cherry Balloon
Mime Beret
Mime Costume
Mine Face Paint
Every Flavor Ice Cream
The Red Racer
Lemon Balloon
The Sundae Surprise
Ball Pit Background
Purple Balloon Pin
The Trapeze Artist
The Balloonist
Squid Hug
Inky Squid Lid
On the Edge
If you want to post this, go ahead. Note that some of these have recently came from the wiki. Where the prizes will be located in which stands, I don’t know.
sadas: Every Flavr Ice Cream = the big icecream you keep in your hand, from last Fall Fair, 2010?
Is Turtle item or pet? :O