Puffle Launch [and Card-Jitsu] To Be In The App Store!

By / July 4, 2011

There is a Portuguese magazine called Recreio. Recently, in their 590th issue they had an article on Club Penguin. Here is the cover:

While I can’t read Portuguese, I used Google Translate and found some interesting information. It mentions Club Penguin is going to have a Card-Jitsu app for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. I first found this out separately with the Card-Jitsu Snow Collector’s Tin I posted about yesterday. However, it also says that Puffle Launch will be coming out too!

It says Card-Jitsu came out June 30th, but I checked the app store and it’s not there. Maybe it got rejected by Apple? Who knows. Puffle Launch will be on the app store July 28th according to the article. Although hard to read you can try zooming in. If you find anything else of interest in these pages, let me know! Do you think these apps will cost money or be free?

Here is the other page:

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Master Talia

Master Talia

Don’t you mean 290th?






i am brazilian and i bought this magazine. it says those apps will be free, and all the points that you do in the app will go to your account in the website.
if you wanna talk to me just send an e-mail

que daora



No habla español.



That was Portuguese, Trainman. He said “Awesome!”



Whoops. :P

fire storm32

fire storm32

train is that puffle… purple?!



What about it? Purple Puffles exist. :P