Do You Remember? [Club Penguin Edition, Part 2]
After posting my “Do You Remember? [Club Penguin Edition]“, due to the success of it and that triggering other memories, I’ve decided to post a part two. This one is less pictures and more text. Anywho, here we go.
Do you remember when?
- There was the bug to put on multiple head/body items
- There was no Stage
- The Iceberg & Dojo were secret
- There was only one Dojo room with nothing in it
- Aqua Grabber didn’t exist
- The pool underground didn’t exist
- Pizzatron 3000 didn’t exist
- Jet Pack Adventure didn’t exist
- The old Puffle playercards
- Thin Ice didn’t exist
- The Lighthouse wasn’t open
- The Everyday Phoning Facility was the Sports Shop
- The Gift Shop & Sports Shop had the same catalogs
- Wigs didn’t exist
- The EPF didn’t exist
- The PSA HQ existed
- There was a big mission or two each year that was challenging
- There was no purple, red, yellow, white, orange, or brown Puffles
- Penguins would log onto the game in the middle of the night to hang out
- Rooms were hardly full
- Penguins didn’t have a huge variety of items so many people dressed similar
- Penguins weren’t hacked
- Many penguins had lowercase or capital usernames
- Rsnail posted on the Club Penguin Blog from time to time
- Parties weren’t always the same
- The game was not crowded
- There was no Club Penguin video games
- All the fun bugs
- There was lots of game hacks
- Cart surfer didn’t exist
- The Recycling Room didn’t exist
- There was no split level igloo
- Furniture and clothing was cool & basic
- The old design of clothing catalogs
- Rockhopper didn’t exist
- The Forest & Cove didn’t exist
- Pins were very small and hard to find
- Lots of penguins used Piczo for their website
- Club Penguin had a nice & cozy, basic feel
- There was no stamps
- DJ3K & Dance Contest didn’t exist
- The Dance Club had the old look
- Playercards had two tabs
- The old Club Penguin Homepage
- Spy Phone was on your playercard
- The old playercard dressing
- You had to close your playercard for the new outfit to show
- The old igloo music look
- You needed a Jukebox or Stereo in order for igloo music to play
- Igloos weren’t stored in inventories
- Igloo flooring didn’t exist
- The old server selection method
- Old “rare” penguins were a common sight, and were not hacked
- Split Level igloo did not exist
- You couldn’t walk Puffles
- The old clothing artwork for items such as Hoodies, Party Hats, and Hula Skirt
- The Lei was in front of the Rubber Ducky
- Parties weren’t repeated yearly unless it was something such as Halloween or Christmas
- There wasn’t a bookshelf at the Book Room
- Lime Green & Aqua Blue did not exist
Do you have any others to share?
Also, who remembers the bug where penguins from another room would suddenly fill up your igloo?
I remembered most of those but I think that igloos stored in an inventory was a great idea!
Yep remember all of them! :) The last bug used to freak me out, you’re quietly feeding your puffles then an army of penguins come over at your igloo! O.o
You posted split-level not existing twice and I joined on July 17th 2008 so I didn’t remember MOST of those only like 8.
near the bottom it says ‘old rare enguins’ instead of ‘old rare Penguins’.
I have fixed the typo. Thank you!