Club Penguin Blog: Information On New Membership!

By / July 4, 2011

Billybob has made a new post on the Club Penguin Blog! In it he explained the new membership prices. It turns out the increased prices are only for Canada and the United States. These new prices are:

  • $7.95 a month
  • $39.95 for 6 months
  • $59.95 for 12 months

He also said that if you have  a recurring membership you will still pay the old price – as long as you don’t cancel it and purchase membership age.

Billybob also said the new price allows the Club Penguin Team to create even more great and fun content for Club Penguin in the future. He can’t say much yet, but they have some exciting new stuff planned for the coming months!

The following page has been updated:

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Isn’t that picture on the Home page of the old Club Penguin?




Yes, that’s from the old home page.