New Club Penguin EPF Message From Dot – Stealth Gear Coming in the Next 2 Weeks?

By / April 9, 2011

Dot has sent all us EPF agents a new message on our phones!

It reads:

Hey everyone. G and I have been working on a major surprise that’s coming soon. Here’s a hint – start saving your medals.

Now while I could be wrong, I think this will be Stealth Gear. Also, it seems like around every 10 or so field ops a new set of gear comes out, so I think it’ll either be arriving the week of Club Penguin Field Ops 41 or Club Penguin Field Ops 42.

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This has nothing to do with the post, but can you do a poll on the sidebar about every two weeks? I remember you did it when you had Piczo.



Yes! Sometime soon I’ll be adding a poll. It’s been on my “To Do” list for a while now. :)



Warning, The Train is leaving the station, Repeat, Leaving the station!