Club Penguin Blog: What’s New In April & May + My Predictions (and spoilers)

By / April 6, 2011

Billybob has made a new post on the Club Penguin Blog! This time it’s about what to expect in April and May. He lists some pretty cool things! They include:

  • Earth Day Party with two brand new animal costumes!
  • New stamps for games!
  • An epic new Medieval Quest for members…
  • More new interactions for puffles… stay tuned for more info here on the blog!
  • (Shhh… this one’s for secret agents only…) Some brand new Elite Gear… and something new with a certain polar bear named Herbert…
  • And more…

He also put an image sneak peek in the blog post. Take a look:

Very cool! In the painting, I wonder why the chat bar is at the bottom of it? Do you think this will be a new game or a members room?

Here’s some spoilers:

  • Animal costumes – Most likely the African Painted Dog
  • New game stamps – Ice Fishing and Pizzatron
  • 2011 Medieval Quest – there will be a Noble Knight stamp
  • New interactions – Puffle Hats
  • Elite Gear – Stealth Class EPF Gear

The following page has been updated:

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Can’t wait! Also, love the new Page Listings at the top of the page!



Thanks, I’m glad you like it! I worked hard on it. :)

Dw 110

Dw 110

Looks good. Can’t wait for these updated. Also, I agree with Belly18. Brilliant new Page Listings.