Club Penguin Blog Reviewed By You: Earth Day

Billybob has posted a new reviewed by you on the Club Penguin Blog! Last week he asked penguins what their favorite animal was and why. He ended up picking Deception1 who said:

My favorite animal of all time is a manatee. I love how they’re so gentle, and they look so cuddly! Manatees are very sweet, and I would love to meet one! Manatees are nicknamed “sea-cows”, because they are vegetarians, and eat lots of grass and sea-plants. In my dreams, I don’t ride on backs of dolphins, I ride on magnificant manatees, decked out in gold and jewels!

Wow, very unique answer! This week the Club Penguin Team wants to know if you’re doing anything special next week for Earth Day to protect the environment.

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