This is the Festival of Flight, a project that was led by Gary. The windows in the pool area underground had to be replaced, and if they replaced them the underground would be flooded. To avoid flooding, Gary made the island float in the sky.
danielle9746 i never got to that party i join in 2011 when the musie jam Reply Mongojerry2 that stinks :( it was awesome Reply
chunk453 i joined in 2011 Halloween party:( i wish i could have been there:( hey train can you make the URL to go to the place where the jetpacks are? Reply Trainman1405 There isn’t one, sorry. Reply
tuffy0222 hey everyone, do you guys think there will be another festival of flight this year?because there better be one this year Reply
If you ever need the SWF files for this, just @ me on twitter at @bcmatthew .
My favorite party ever :)
i never got to that party i join in 2011 when the musie jam
that stinks :( it was awesome
i joined in 2011 Halloween party:( i wish i could have been there:( hey train can you make the URL to go to the place where the jetpacks are?
There isn’t one, sorry.
hey everyone,
do you guys think there will be another festival of flight this year?because there better be one this year
Flippers crossed that the pool windows break again one day! ;)
looking at old parties always gives me nostalgia blasts X_X
the night club was BEAUTIFUL asdfghjklqwertyui
I wish I played CP back then. :’-(