Minor Club Penguin Updates: Igloo Music, Telescope, and Postcards

Along with Club Penguin’s big updates this week such as a new pin and furniture and igloo catalogue there are also some more minor ones. This week the igloo music was updated, crabs have taken over Rockhopper’s ship, and last week the postcards were updated and I never posted about it.

Igloo Music Updated – August 2014

Many of us expected Club Penguin to update the igloo music last week when they released a new furniture and igloo catalogue, however that was not the case! Instead the new igloo music has been released with tonight’s updates. It definitely has a Christmasy spin to it.

Igloo Music Updated

As expected, Club Penguin has updated the igloo music selection. Many of these tracks are going to be found at the Muppets World tour party that begins next week.