August 8, 2015 Penguin of the Week – Legiso

By / August 10, 2015

On Saturday Megg announced the new Penguin of the Week! This week’s lucky penguin is Legiso, who was nominated by Waddle2.

Waddle2 said the following in their nomination:

I want to nominate Legiso because he is a great friend and he help all the penguin around the world in Club Penguin. Also, he is like the breaking news penguin, he always teach us how to play, and he always show us the news in CP. He is AWESOME.


He received 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week background as a reward. Congratulations on the achievement, Legiso!

Want to nominate someone for POTW? Comment on the Club Penguin Blog with their username and why they should be chosen and they may be picked!

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