Club Penguin Blog Redesign Delayed Until Next Month

By / June 17, 2015

Club Penguin was going to release a new design for the blog today, however because it’s “so amazing” according to Megg, it’s been delayed until next month.

This is what Megg said:

Remember back to when we shared my June calendar of events? In the June 17 box, I had written that the blog would be getting a new look and it’s going to be amazing! So amazing in fact that we had to delay it until mid July to make it even MORE amazing.

Not to worry though, here’s a sneak peek that she gave us!


What are your thoughts on the upcoming redesign?

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Wow… Claps slowly…

Red498 (@Red498CP)

Red498 (@Red498CP)

CP keeps pushing things back or cancelling them, and then ends up wondering why we don’t have faith within the CP team any more… it’s actually not even funny or surprising any more.



that’s true red that’s true

zoom zoom103

zoom zoom103

so because its so “WONDERFUL” they push it back? in wat world does that make any sense
#stupid ppl logic



Because it’s taking longer to code and perfect.

Bubsey Good

Bubsey Good

zoom zoom, the Club Penguin team isn’t stupid. The extra time is to fix many glitches that are in the new version.



As long as there aren’t any bugs in it, then this will be great. Just think about it! Maybe CP didn’t have their code thingy ready for the redesign and therefore they needed more time to fix some small issues. Would you like to see the new design now filled with a lot of bugs? OR would you like to see the new design 1 month later and see it in a perfect situation with few or no bugs?

Dashing Mike

Dashing Mike

Hey Trainman,I was wondering what and when the next party is going to be?



Festival of Snow and then Inside Out Takeover.