Club Penguin Pirate Party 2014 Update: Town Will Be Decorated Too

By / October 21, 2014

As a follow up to my original post about next month’s party being a Pirate Party or at the very least something pirate related, I wanted to make an update post and say that Club Penguin has updated their game configuration file for the party. Now it lists not just the Snow Forts, Dock, and Plaza as being decorated, but also the Town. While it may seem like a no brainer that the Town will be decorated at the party as it is Club Penguin’s main room, I still figured it would be noteworthy. Here’s a part of the line of code referencing the Town:


We’ll know more sometime later this month or early next month, so be sure to stay tuned for more news. In the meantime, you can check out my page for the 2007 Pirate Party here and my page for the 2008 Pirate Party here. What great memories!

Thanks Petros901!

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It’s Really Awesome Trainman1405! Club penguin Memories Are Cool. :)



good news yay