The Spoiler Alert Episode 19: Futuristic Fashion Faux Pas

By / May 7, 2014

On Monday a new episode of The Spoiler Alert was released. This week Lilac Ren, Ninja, Polo Field, and Megg are the hosts. In this week’s episode of The Spoiler Alert they go over this week’s updates including the new clothing catalogue and stage play. There are also Extreme Reading and #WaddleOn segments amongst other things in this week’s episode, too!

I’m really loving these new Spoiler Alert episodes! I think they’re a lot better than the previous ones. What was your favourite part of this week’s episode and what update coming tonight are you looking forward to the most?

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I dislike how CP amalgamated #WaddleOn with The Spoiler Alert. WaddleOn used to be longer and funnier. I like however, how CP are answering more CP Blog question comments and simultaneously, adding The Spoiler Alert new elements into it.