Club Penguin December 2013 Penguin Style Sneak Peek
Polo Field has posted a sneak peek of the December 2013 Penguin Style cover on his Google+ account! He posted it along with a caption saying he is working on the first episode of Club Penguin’s upcoming video series “The Spoiler Alert”, which will likely be out next Monday, December 2nd. This is the image:
Here is the cover with everything around it cropped out. You can see the awesome starry blue sky and a caroling penguin.
Another minor detail: the number of the unread Penguin Mail postcards is changed. The font is thinner. I like it!
This is what it current looks like:
What would you like to see in next month’s Penguin Style?
I would like to see the Snow Flake Costume to return!
A purple reindeer cuz who woudnt want to be a freakin purple reindeer on christmas
Looks very pretty! I hope Club Penguin will make the sky like that. Can’t wait for the holidays! My igloo is already decorated for Christmas and my stomach is mourning for Thanksgiving :D
Train next Monday is December 3 !!!!!!
Sorry I ment it’s December 2
i think polo field is very excited for “the spoiler alert”
the covers are boring now, they only have a penguin on the front, that has been copied and pasted in the same pose with the same outfit.The background is only a blue wall and a white floor. What happened to cp?
that’s true…
You should try zooming in really close to get a small (but blurry) glimpse at the other pictures.
Nvm, it’s no use. I like the postcard update too.
30 is Saturday..
Oops! Typo fixed. Thanks everyone.
I want a turkey costume… dont question it
Or a stocking costume and once again dont question it
lol that would be cool!
Lol the Penguin is Gray(Grey)?
Looks white to me.
Well there was one that was a grey penguin (not sensei,the cp mod) so gray penguin i guess :\
Racist…. jk
or is it Arctic white? :l
It is arctic white. The gray color is just the shade :)
i want the ORIGINAL letterman jackets, not the weird ones that came out for the Monster University party
i want a christmas party
hey guys, megg here just give a hello to you all! i hope you enjoy the spoiler alerts!