The Beach is an older room in Club Penguin. The entrance to the Lighthouse has always been here, but it didn’t open up until September 2006. Also, when Rockhopper is in Club Penguin you can go to his ship, The Migrator, from here. This is one of the starting rooms when logging onto Club Penguin. On December 6, 2012 the room was given a brand new look.

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Lance Jin

Lance Jin

Train, I borrowed one of each of the rooms because I don’t have the old ones, don’t worry, I’ll give you credit for the old photos! :)



I love the beach



Alright time for the history of this page along with images This is a long comment though Trainman1405 :

The Beach is a place on the bottom left of the map where the entrance to the Lighthouse sits. Every three (but of course you remember in 2013 he did no show up for 8 months) months, Rockhopper (The penguin Captain of the sea) and his puffle, Yarr come by on the Migrator and docks here with some rare items for penguins to buy from overseas and Rockhopper Island. The path to the north leads to the Ski Village while the path to the right leads to the Dock. The Lighthouse wasn’t available for penguins before the Lighthouse Donation. There are two beach chairs, an umbrella and a bucket for penguins to make a snow-castle out of.And, sometimes the Migrator when Rockhopper comes, and some rope and
a buoy and some spare wood.
The Beach opened on June 16, 2006, at the start of the Summer Party 2006(The Club Penguin team thought it would go great for a “Island”). The Lighthouse was not accessible and had a sign saying Coming in Fall.
In the Underwater Expedition the beach was flooded and a maze was discovered underneath it.(Some say it leads to treasure)
In December 2012, as part of The Journey, the Beach had been fully updated. There is now a beach umbrella above the chairs, a dock for the Migrator, and a bridge to the Dock.But, the two chairs the bucket and the stuff outside the lighthouse are still there.

During the 2007 Summer Kickoff Party, The Penguin Band played on a wooden platform on the Beach.
During the 2007 Waddle On Water Party, there was a burger hut at the Beach.
During the 2007 The Fair, there was a table with snow cones spread out.

During the 2008 Winter Fiesta, there was a taco stand at the Beach.
During the 2008 The Fair had a Memory Game and a Slide that starts at the Beacon
During the 2010 Puffle Party, the Puffles where playing together building sand castles.
During the 2010 April Fools Party, the door of the Lighthouse was in the not attached to the Lighthouse itself, and you could change the sky by clicking on it.
During the 2011 April Fools Party, you could teleport inside the Lighthouse from the Ski Lodge.
During the Underwater Expedition, this room was completely submerged, with only the Beacon above the surface.
During Rockhopper’s Quest it was the only decorated room, it had a sign up booth, the free item stand (Which gave away the Crew Cap then Life Vest witch was a rare item) and Treasure Hunt games scattered around the room.
During the Medieval Party 2012, the beach was renamed Mushroom Kingdom
During The Make Your Mark: Ultimate Jam it was the same one as in 2011.
During the Adventure Party: Temple of Fruit the Migrator was docked there.
During Operation: Blackout, the beach was turned into a medic station for wounded EPF agents.
During the Holiday Party 2012, it was decorated like a big Snow Fort.
Although the beach wasn’t decorated for the Prehistoric Party in the present, you could use the Time Trekker 3000 to see the prehistoric version of the beach, the Water Place, which had lava flowing through it and a small rock structure was where the Lighthouse would later stand.
At the Puffle Party 2013 it was decorated like past Puffle Parties.
At the Marvel Super Hero Takeover 2013, cars are parked in front of the Lighthouse, which is now a hospital. Stark Tower is in between the pathways to the Ski Village and Dock. A snow trekker ambulance is parked next to the Lighthouse. There is also a cannon on the other side of the Lighthouse that shoots you to the Hero Carrier, floating above. There is also a launch pad to play Super Hero Bounce. The snow is replaced with a city street.

Pins that have been in this room:
6 Pins have been hidden in this particular room
Jet Pack Pin
Snowflake Tile Pin
Water Tap Pin
Fence Pin
Puffle Bat Key Pin
Rainbow Puffle Pin

PICTURES OF THE ROOM I only am going to give you 11 because you already have some up there.

Hope you like it Trainman, I spent along time hunting down all the info/pics! I already had them saved in my computer though!
Waddle On






Is this the longest comment on cpm (club penguin memories)



Probably! Definitely one of the longest.