Club Penguin Wants YOU To Pick Sasquatch’s Name!

By / March 22, 2016

As it stands now, Sasquatch has no name. We only know him as exactly that, Sasquatch. That’s going to change next month, though, as currently Club Penguin is holding a “you decide” on their blog to pick what his name is going to be, with the most popular choice being revealed during next month’s party.

The choices are as follows:

  • Bronk
  • Scruff
  • Reginald
  • Sam

As it stands now, Scruff is winning in the comments on Club Penguin’s blog, which is where voting is taking place. So if you haven’t already, make sure you leave a comment on the “you decide” blog post with which of the above four names you want Sasquatch to have! I personally want Scruff to win.

Also, I’m curious as to what name Club Penguin Memories readers prefer, so vote in my own poll below if you’d like!

What name do you want Sasquatch to have?

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uh, hi ?




What’s wrong with Squatch?

None of these, Sasquatch or ?????? gives it a mysterious aura…



Good point.