On This Day In Club Penguin History – February 8

By / February 8, 2016

On the 8th of February Club Penguin has only updated in 2008. Construction of Aqua Grabber began, Team Blue’s Rally Debut was at the Stage for the first time, and the postcard catalogue selection was updated.

On this day in 2008 construction of the Aqua Grabber submarine began, with the goal of it being salvaging Rockhopper’s ship since it was hit by an iceberg and sank. Penguins could obtain the Miner’s Helmet at the Iceberg while the construction took place. You could also vote in a poll to decide what the submarine would be called. Aqua Grabber won.


Another update in 2008 was Team Blue’s Rally Debut being at the Stage for the first time ever. This was when former Club Penguin Team member Businesmoose’s favourite item, the Moose Head (Zeus The Moose Head), was released.


The final and most minor update on the 8th of February in 2008 was the postcard selection being updated


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