Time Trekker Placed at the Dock For 2016 Prehistoric Party

By / January 13, 2016

Club Penguin’s Prehistoric Party is beginning next week, and since this year the party involves the UFO, it’s been placed at the Dock instead of the Snow Forts.

When you first sign on to Club Penguin this week Jet Pack Guy will tell you about it.

Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 2.22.52 PM

Clicking “Go there” will take you to the Dock. You’ll see the Time Trekker in the corner.

Screen Shot 2016-01-13 at 2.23.08 PM

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I’m so excited for this party :D also can you add me my name is as listed above

Nice to see those good old SWF overlap bugs!

Confused Penguin

Confused Penguin

You wouldn’t believe what just happened.

I created my account last week named: Penguin 9303, and its blocked now, saying its not allowed!

I got this chance to change my name, and every name I try was either taken or blocked.

I think its about time we stop playing CP, otherwise CP should stop blocking normal names.

I mean what exactly is wrong with Penguin 9303?!

Luis ver

Luis ver

Happy to see this year’s party has a very creative and interesting historyline, looking foward to this!

Turk Ois

Turk Ois

BTW Trainman, they unlocked the Gingerbread igloo for the nonmembers.



Good to hear!