Club Penguin Halloween Party 2015 Day 8 Walkthrough: Deactivate the Rookie and Herbert Mascbots
Not only is it time to stop the Rookie mascbot, but it’s also revealed there is a Herbert mascbot in a secret lair that needs destroying, too!
The day starts off like any other. You sign on and Rookie says there’s a Rookie mascbot needing attention.
Go to the Plaza and click on the Rookie bot.
He’ll tell you that you need to retrieve some clown makeup.
You’ll find the clown makeup at the Dance Lounge.
Go back to the Plaza, click on the bot again, and complete the puzzle.
You’ll then get a message from the bot…
Silly Rookie mascbot….also dumb just like the real Rookie. :P Now you can collect your free item(s)…
But that’s not all! Head to the Coffee Shop, and look! Under the carpet is a secret lair.
Go down the steps and you’ll see Herbert, Klutzy, and a giant Herbert Mascbot.
Then the Herbot will butt in.
To which Herbert responds to.
Gary will then appear on the computer screen and ask Herbert what his fear is so the bot can be stopped.
Naturally, Herbert does not want to.
Gary gives up and says you need to find a way to overload Herbot.
When Herbot is standing in the path of the laser, throw a snowball at the conveniently placed target on it. It will shoot its laser beam at the bot.
Once the beam makes contact you need to solve the puzzle. It’s a bigger one. Start on the left and work your way to the right.
Once done the Herbot will explode.
And, if history has taught me something, it’s that Herbert and Klutzy will run away and escape.
You can then collect another free item, or two if you are a member.
That wraps up the 2015 Halloween Party. It’s going on for another week, so enjoy the rest of it!
Trainman do you like the prizes?
I’m a nonmember and not getting most of them. does anybody want things like a bad spelling test or an ugly sweater to carry?
I doubt it, but at least CP gives out items to all players.
that’s true
and I do like the bug and the clown makeup
Cough. Cough. Five Nights At Freddys references. Cough. Cough.
Mine glitched and I got the prizes without defeating the robot. I had to go back to actually beat it.