Club Penguin Halloween Party 2015 Day 7 Cheat: Deactivate the PH Mascbot

By / October 26, 2015

The PH mascbot has gone haywire and starting today you can dismantle it. For this one you need to go to the Snow Forts.

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Crikey! There’s a bot going crackers in the Forts. Let’s get over there!

Click on the PH Mascbot to find out what you need to collect.

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This thing’s afraid of what spooks me. UFOs give me the chills. Look near a telescope to find one.

Go to the Lighthouse Beacon and you’ll see a UFO hovering next to the telescope.

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Go back to the Snow Forts, click the PH mascbot, and solve the puzzle.

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After that you’re done and can now collect the new free items!

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That wraps up the tutorial guide for the PH mascbot!

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