Club Penguin Blog: Many Bug Fixes and Game Improvements Coming Soon (April Fools!)
Polo Field has made a new post on the Club Penguin Blog today. In it he announced that over the month of April the team will be working to vastly improve the stability of Club Penguin and try to eliminate as many bugs as possible. Here’s his post:
Hello Penguins!
One troubling thing when it comes to programming is that there can be unintended bugs – errors that cause a program or game to not work the way they should.
While Club Penguin has had bugs since day one, the more the game has grown the more bugs we’ve encountered. The team has had trouble balancing both updating the game with new content and bug fixing, so we’ve decided that the month of April will be mostly spent fixing bugs. Don’t worry, there will still be new catalogues and a small party this month. Do you have any ideas what it might be?
In order to help us maximize the efficiency of bug fixing, we’re asking you to email with any bugs you encounter, big or small. Even if you’re not sure if something is a bug or not, you can still send us an email and we will look into it.
Thanks in advance for your help everyone! And one last thing….Trainman1405 says April Fools.
Alright, yeah, this was a joke. Two of the April Fool’s Day jokes I posted last year (Violetta Takeover and a Club Penguin TV special) ended up being true…so maybe this end up becoming real too! :P Thanks to Azerty15 for the idea!
Can please give me the link of your last April Fools Joke please?
2/3 of those actually happened. :P
lol Nice One
You don’t fool me Devin!
1. Didn’t fall for it.
2. If only it were true. Hopefully they’ll do something like this though.
Knew it was a prank. Try harder maybe videos.
Lolz :D it might even work haha imagine it works haha Loool :)
If only this was real. ;-;
I don’t find this post, Good joke.
Called it before I even clicked the post. :P
Is this a joke or not? :P
Like the post says:
“Thanks in advance for your help everyone! And one last thing….Trainman1405 says April Fools.”
There are two types of April Fools jokes: funny, silly jokes and mean but predictable jokes. This is the latter, and whilst I expected it I am also very mad that it isn’t true.
I was like finally and then the April Fools thing.
You got me.
Club Penguin fixing bugs? That’s a joke in itself. Club Penguin is having a small party and still not fixing any bugs.