Club Penguin Blog Guest Post By Intothemoat: Sled Racer Tips

By / April 10, 2015

Intothemoat from the Club Penguin Team has made a guest post on Club Penguin’s blog with some Sled Racer tips.


Here is his blog post:

Hi penguins, Intothemoat here!

I’d like to congratulate all the players who’ve beat my high score — you’ve earned my legendary respect.

And for those of you that are looking for some extra wisdom to help up your Sled Racer game, I’ve decided to do you a solid. Here are some of my personal tricks to becoming a high score hero:

* When using the jetpack, don’t jet right down the middle of the track. Instead, stay along the sides of the hill — you’ll be less likely to run into obstacles when you land.

* Stick to the edges around the flufflies and you’re usually safe from harm. This technique can also be used to get around the anvils that drop up and down at the end of the tunnels.

* The best combo of power-ups I’ve found is: Invincible, revive and the toot-blaster.

Shoutout to my fellow sled heads, feel free to add to this list in the comments below.

Well, I’m off to the slopes… see you on the leaderboard.


Thanks for the tips! I’ll be sure to try them out later.

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zoom zoom103

zoom zoom103

I hate when they try to sound all hipster and stuff



Those are the power-ups i use too!!