March 5, 2015 Penguin of the Week – Geepeach

By / March 8, 2015

On Thursday, like always, Daffodaily5 posted the Penguin of the Week. This time around the featured penguin is Geepeach. Congratulations! Here’s why Geepeach was chosen:

Geepeach is rocking some old school style in Arctic White. The T-shirt, the cape, the cave igloo decked out with puffle furniture… he’s a puffle superhero! I’ve heard he’s also a mini-game expert – all his friends go to him for tips!


Fantastic! As a reward for being Penguin of the Week he received 10,000 coins and the exclusive Penguin of the Week background.

If there is someone you’d like to nominate for Penguin of the Week you can do so by commenting on the Club Penguin Blog with their username and why they should be picked.

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Here’s why Geepeace was chosen:

It should be Geepeach



Thanks, fixed.