Club Penguin SoundStudio Party Coming This Month
We knew February’s party was going to be musical themed, but didn’t know the specific title of the part until now…this month’s party on Club Penguin will be a SoundStudio party! It’s going to be a combination of a Music Jam and Hollywood Party. The party is being thrown in honour of Club Penguin’s upcoming new SoundStudio mobile app. The party will be themed after the genres we’ll be able to remix in the app, which doesn’t quite have an official release date yet – I’m betting February 20th.
Remember the concept artwork that was originally posted to the blog? Here’s what the completed room is going to look like:
It sounds (see what I did there :P) like it’s going to be a fun party!
I hate the idea of how they’re calling it a SoundStudio Party and celebrating a party just because of a minigame and an app coming. Is it really needed to make a party in honor of a new app? I hope the app will be COMPLETELY different than the minigame…
I also wonder how the party will be about…It would’ve been more appropiate if it was a mini-party/event.
I agree with everything! CP didn’t have a Puffle Wild Party, why SoundStudio?
Sounds interesting :3
Haha, I see what you did there!
Has anyone been getting banned for 72 hrs lately for absolute no reason? Apparently its for bad language…? :|
Supposedly it’s really due to using multiple codes from Disney Movie Rewards or whatever.
Wow that sounds awesome! I just hope it isn’t like the last one we had.
A party for something only available for paying members on mobile?
Pretty sure may be wrong that is is just a mini event-party the real ones is the ”Hollywood Jam”
Wait! A party based on an app!? FLAPPY BIRD TAKEOVER COMFIRMED :p
Soundstudio ? Looks like they want us to forget 2014 music and give the yearly music party a new name? Seriously a party to advertise a new app :p c’mon cp don’t make this party like 2014 music jam and give everyone cool music items so everyone can join the fun!
did they forget about spoiler alert season 2?
Spoiler Alert is pretty much over.