Watch “We Wish You A Merry Walrus” (Bem-Vindos ao Natal da Morsa) For Free…In Portuguese

Just like it was put online in full in Dutch by Disney, on the Portuguese Disney website you can watch We Wish You A Merry Walrus in its entirety! This is completely legal to watch since it’s an official upload by Disney.

Bem-Vindos ao Natal da Morsa
A ilha dos pinguins prepara-se a tradicional Festa de Natal da Morsa mas o rabugento Herbert que não gosta desta época festiva, tenta arruiná-la. Entretanto, chega um novo pinguim solitário e desastrado, Roofhowse, que tenta fazer novos amigos. Será que este habitante vai conseguir desbloquear o segredo do Cristal dos Puffles e salvar o Natal?

Thanks Wjdhew!

10 thoughts on “Watch “We Wish You A Merry Walrus” (Bem-Vindos ao Natal da Morsa) For Free…In Portuguese

  1. Sir Trainman!

    Awesome post there! and thanks for the video

    Also, could you please help me get the party host stamp as its my last stamp needing to get. Sorry for driving you nuts but I felt as if my comments weren’t sent.

    It would be great if you could also give me a time and date of when we should get started.

    Please and thank you sir.

    – Cloud Flame

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