January 12, 2015 Club Penguin Mod Meetup With Grand Stand

By / January 12, 2015

Today there is another Mod Meetup on Club Penguin! Again the moderator will be Grand Stand. It’s at 2:00 PM PST/5:00 PM EST/10:00 PM in the UK on the server Aurora. Here’s what Megg wrote on the blog:

Word on the island is, last week’s mod meetup was tons of fun! So much fun in fact, that I asked Grand Stand to come back and host today’s meetup :D

This time, there will also be a theme… LIGHTS! Here’s a message from Grand Stand about why she chose lights as the theme:

“One of my favorite natural phenomena is the Northern Lights, aka the Aurora borealis: Everyone bring a latern, flashlight or glowing item to Mod Monday! We’re going to do a light parade across the island.”


If you missed your chance to meet Grand Stand last week, here are some fun facts:

1. I love making magic happen, and making someone’s day.
2. My music playlist contains a lot of rock and roll, both classic and contemporary.
3. My favorite instruments to listen to are the cello and the oboe.
4. Server: Aurora – because Northern Lights

You can ask more questions by going on the server Aurora at 2:00pm PST. (And don’t forget your lantern, flashlight or glowing item!)

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Too bad the entire staff decided to removed the Aurora borealis (northern lights) in the Merry Walrus Party 2014…



Haha, so true

Rebellion Laser (@Laserxknight_CP)

Rebellion Laser (@Laserxknight_CP)

Instead of Festival of Flight(I like the idea, but I think CP won’t have any ideas.), why not Festival of Lights? =D